The Centre
Oflate I took a long vacation, almost of ten days, from my hectic schedules of dailylife, which doesn’t allow me much breather. But finally when I took the vacation, I realised, that not only did it rejuvenate my mind and body, but also made me rethink, what I had been doing research on, for a long time, in trying to understand the “Truth”, deeper. And I arrived at a very interesting fact.
Let me share in detail.
I have read the book of Genesis, many times. “Genesis”, beginning of “history”, but interestingly, the book also comes across as a book of “opportunities’”. Starting from Adam and Eve and Noah, Abraham and Moses and Joseph, the book of genesis throws light on each one of these important character’s detailed biography, the challenges they faced and the opportunities they had, and finally, the choices they made when faced with these opportunities. It would be unfair on my part, if I try and explain their biographies in a nutshell to you. Its always good to go through and learn yourself, how they individually dealt with opportunities, since it will prepare you subconsciously how to make best use of opportunities when they knock on your doors, which ofcourse might take various forms. So I request you all to go through the first book of the Holy Bible “Genesis”.

(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “scriptural motivational writer, who explain Life, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions She offers, through her writings to the problems, they face on a daily basis.)
But at the same time, I do want to brief you on what I came across during my vacation. So here it is:—
(Genesis ch1:1 9)In the beginning, the earth was without form, an empty waste, so God said , let there be light! And hence light was created and separated from darkness (FIRST DAY OF God’s creativity). Second day God separated the firmament (expanse of sky) from waters, and called the firmament ‘heavens’. Third day of creativity, God said , let the waters under the heaven be collected into one place and dry land may appear, and it was so. Fourth day onwards , the land bore wonderful vegetation, plants, trees and fruit trees, yielding fruits with seeds in it that they may multiply, and so on.
Now we all know, that we are not permanent here on earth. We know deep down, that our real home is somewhere else. We live day by day knowing and growing up with this truth, that the earth is not really our ‘land’. Then??? Which is the ‘land’, that we are to live on, forever?
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a scriptural Motivational Writer, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Preacher and an Evangelist.)
From the twelfth chapter of the book of Genesis, to the end of the Old testament, the Lord stressed and referred to the ‘land’, again and again—‘the promised land’. God emphasised, that if we obey Him and are righteous in “HIS SIGHT” ( not by our deeds, but by our faith), He will bring us to the promised land’, with milk and honey flowing(symbolic of prosperity). So the centre of entire scriptures—‘land’.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is an enlightened writer and composer, who writes love saga of her Lord Jesus and herself.)
Now, the centre of the Old testament, is the temple within the city, which was again built on a piece of ‘land’.
Now if we go to the new Testament—first four gospels primarily talks about the crucifixion of Christ, by four apostles, who experienced Christ firsthand and under the guidance of the “Holy Spirit’, penned down their respective experiences. And taking out just a small portion of the the scriptures from one of the four gospels , just to make you understand my point of view in a more practical way, Gospel of Mark, chapter 15, verse 15 onwards, we witness the ‘Crucifixion’ of Christ. Out of the details of “Crucifixion’, what surprised me is this…(I will relate the ‘Crucifixion’ story to the beginning of Genesis)
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a scriptural motivational on life’s basis principles.)
It was a three day story of ‘Crucifixion’, Friday the third hour (about 9o’clock in the morning, when they crucified Him, [Mark ch15:25], after whipping and insulting Jesus thoroughly { Genesis ch1: 2, in the beginning, the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the earth}, we can relate the beginning of Genesis with shapeless, bleeding and wounded Jesus, insulted humiliated, shameful acts by people(darkness on face of earth).
Next step was embalming Jesus and wrapped up in fine linen, after being taken down from cross, and laid in a tomb. Till so far, we see Jesus in human form, which bore wounds and insults on His human body( out of obedience towards His heavenly form –“God the Father,” just to teach his human disciples true obedience, that they would be His hands and feet on earth to carry the message of genuine obedience. Now if we relate it back to Genesis, God’s second day of creativity, God separated Light from darkness, and made the firmament and separated the waters( Jesus’s human journey was over, and He was separated from human life to heavenly glory).
(Her latest compositions are in worship genre.)
Third day of creativity of God in the book of Genesis, God said let the waters under the heavens be collected into one place (of standing), and let dry’ land’ appear. Because once the dry land appears, growth is possible only after that. Growth of vegetation, flowers, seeds, food for survival of life, they all grow on land primarily, so separation and appearance of “land’ was very important.
Now relating this story to the third most important aspect of ‘Crucifixion’. Jesus ‘resurrected’ (Easter as we know, we celebrate Resurrected Christ). When walking on earth, Jesus had twelve disciples, who learnt all scriptural and practical teachings and truths from Jesus firsthand. So when Jesus was taken away from them (crucified), they were absolutely confused. But once Resurrected Jesus came back to them, they were thrilled and filled with Holy Spirit, put their acts together back again and became the carriers of Gospel all across the world. Now you see Christ as the ‘land’.
On the third day God brought the earth, the ‘land’ out of the waters of death,(Christ resurrected), and all kinds of life, came into being. He brought abundance and fruitfulness in life, in wisdom(Holy Spirit), in production(believers multiplied), quenched thirst of thirsty people(by giving them life giving waters of knowledge and fruitfulness), fed the hungry with ‘manna’, (heavenly bread). So here, “Christ” is the “land”, the “centre” of being, ‘Centre’ of life.
Glory forever is “His”
“Lord I thank you that you have blessed me and called me to be fruitful in my life. I pray that the resources that You have blessed me with, I will use it for Your Glory alone, by serving you with sincerity. Your Glory rests upon me”. Amen!
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