The book of Mathew
The book of Mathew (chapter 13 :1-23), is a very simple, yet quite an educative parable, that Jesus taught to those who were present that day by the shore to learn from Him. Those days people weren’t exactly highly qualified, yet Jesus chose to teach them through parables. I wonder why? Probably He wanted to search the earnestness in those hearts of multitudes, who were listening. Probably He wanted to know , how many were genuinely listening and going to use the words of life practically, to distinguish between the wheat and the chaff.
The parable was about a story of a “sower and the seeds he wanted to sow. Let me explain it in brief. but I do request you all to please go through this specific chapter and learn for yourself, since there’s no end to learning.

The parable goes on like this:-
A sower goes out to sow seeds.
Case study 1) Some seeds fell by the roadside, and birds came and ate them up. (This is a comparison to those people who hear good words of Scriptures with joy, but since they lack real root, withers.)
Case Study 2) Some seeds fell on rocky ground, where there wasn’t much soil. They sprang up for a while, and when sun rose, they were scorched, and because they had no roots, they dried up and withered away.(This one is a comparison to those people who hear the scriptural motivational words, lasts for a while, but when troubles and afflictions of life comes, begins to distrust and is repelled to trust and obey “The One” , and falls away.
Case study 3) Some seeds fell on thorns, and as the thorns grew up, they choked the seeds. (Its a comparison to those people, who get the chance to hear and see the scriptural words, but the lies and deceits of the world, attracts them more. Deceitful pleasures and riches and glamour of the world chokes them, hence bearing no fruit in them. Result is an unproductive and meaningless life)
Case study 4) Other seeds fell on some good soil, and yielded grain–some a hundred times as much as was sown, some sixty times as much and some thirty times. (These are those people who make an aggressive attempt towards being real achievers in life, who live in the same world, but are wise enough to grasp and comprehend the “bread of life, words of God”, and apply them in their life as a practical tool. And become the good soil to kindle the fire of passion to live a fruitful, productive and abundant life. These are those good soil, where the words take deep roots, and bring forth hundred fold fruits )
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “Scriptural Motivational Writer, who explain’s life’s, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions, She offers through her writing, to all the problems they face on a daily basis.)
At the end of the parable, His disciples asked Jesus, why he speaks in parables to the ones who do not understand? To them Jesus replied.
“To you it has been given to know the secrets and mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. For whoever has spiritual knowledge, to him more will be given. And he will be furnished richly so that he will have abundance, but from him who has not, even what is given, will be taken away.”
It stands so true in our present day too. If, for instance, we take the case of “knowledge, health and money, in that order”, the ones who are good soil, they multiply their knowledge with learning more, and are eager to learn good teachings from wherever they can. They take care of their health by wise eating and multiply their wealth, with diligence and hardwork. But the ones who lack focus in life, waste away their life, refuse to gain knowledge and remain close to learning(they think they know it all and already have it all organised), waste their health by wrong eating habits, and waste away all money in wrong habits and hobbies, and try and gain wealth by wrong means, because they want everything the easy way.”
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a scriptural Motivational Writer, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Preacher and an Evangelist.)
“How amazing are those teachings that comes true, practically in every person’s life, living on earth today.”
As many people come for counselling to me, I feel sad in my heart seeing some of those really talented people living a life of a wastrel. They do not know, neither want to know, that they can achieve so much more, only if they would allow God to melt their hardened hearts to fill them with His love and impart His divine wisdom in them, that they can achieve much more, than the present situation they are trapped in! But sadly, they do not have the knowledge of assessing their situations correctly, and neither are they receptive in broadening their horizons. They are happy to live “as a frog in a well” , but at the same time keep complaining about their own situations, and shredding those to pieces , who are living an abundant life. And in my heart, I Pray, that how I wish God would move His magic wand right away, and open your blind eyes just now, you would see how merciful He is!! Because these are the kinds of people for whom, fulfilment of the prophesy of Isaiah, is. It says,”You shall indeed hear and hear, but never grasp and understand, and you shall indeed look and look , but never see and perceive. For the nation’s hearts have grown gross (fat and dull), and their ears heavy and difficult of hearing, and their eyes they have tightly closed, (Isaiah 6:9-10)
There’s a very simple prayer that all can do:-
“Lord God! Let me let you be, who you are. The one and only “Great I AM”. and give me wisdom to not confine and limit you in some mere man-made religion. Open my blind eyes, that I may see YOU, open my deaf ears to hear from YOU ALONE, and not get distracted in the world and its deceitful ways. Let me be under your tutelage alone forever oh HOLY SPIRIT. And let me live an abundant life, the life you have called me to live, as a ‘head’ and not as a ‘tail’ . Amen!
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