Live for Today!!
We humans have a tendency to stock up. Stock up enough for tomorrow and the future. While its not really a wrong habit exactly, but the consequence it brings along is, in that plight to gather more and more for tomorrow, we forget to live our ‘today’. We often forget that these moments we are spending today, in anticipation of tomorrow, will not come back, and we waste our ‘today.
What surprises me more is that, the scriptures have been so very practical in understanding human minds and problems related to it, that it offered solutions to all our modern society’s problems, ages back The book of Exodus(ch16:4), throws some light on the mindsets of people living in that era, and apparently, gave a teaching to us, people living in the modern era.
Let me explain it in a more simple way.
If you read the book of Exodus(ch16:4), God had set the Israelites on a journey into the wilderness(to reach to the promised land of blessing where they, as a race, chosen by God to receive His grace for the rest of their life, were to settle down,( a land flowing with milk and honey, symbolising prosperity). It was an 11day journey, but it took the Israelites 40 years to complete that journey and reach to their destination. Amazing? Yes indeed it is!!
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is an enlightened writer and composer, who writes love saga of her Lord Jesus and herself.)
The reason? Entire their journey, they complained, grumbled and were disobedient towards the word of God!!
Its very easy to relate these mindsets to our current generation. Most of us have some goal in life. We know we have to reach there, but while pursuing our dream, we get distracted, and hence go offtrack. Finally God finds us, shows us His ways , because of His merciful nature. And we????
We keep complaining and look for reasons as excuses, as to why we can’t make it to our goal. Rather than looking for a solution, we add on to our problems, get more distracted and more frustrated, resultantly, taking time beyond our imagination to reach our destination. Basically, what should have been an easy journey, we make it difficult ourselves, because of our mindsets.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “scriptural motivational writer, who explain Life, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions She offers, through her writings to the problems, they face on a daily basis.)
In this particular chapter, God was supplying bread from heaven to all the Israelites, it was fresh heavenly bread called “Manna and Quail”. God said all Israelites could gather a day’s portion every day so that He would prove them, whether they would walk in His law(Obedience) or not.
Giving them what they needed, the way they needed it, was His way of teaching them to trust Him. But when the heavens rained manna and quails, the Israelites would gather more than they required(for their tomorrow), and it would rot and stink. Here God personally was supplying them with their needs and provisions for every single day, but they were trusting their own human minds and gathering for tomorrow, which was futile and of no worth later.
I have personally seen many people, stinking rich, but they gather and gather more,for themselves and their children, and children are not of much worth since they grow up in so much wealth, they become ‘good for nothing’, and ultimately all the wealth is left behind for wicked people to enjoy it, and these people who wasted their ‘today’s’ , for earning as much, realise the futility of their life, but its too late by then.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) believes in being spiritual, rather than following man-made religious traditions.)
What I am trying to share is, please make your life worth living, earn as much, but learn to trust on Him everyday, and don’t miss your moments that are passing by. His Grace is sufficient for the day.
Live every moment, rather than wasting time to set aside everything for future.
That’s why , Lord’s prayer is a very practical prayer to pray:-
“Our father, hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
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