“God will increase you more and more”
Increase and prosperity comes from Lord alone. He alone is the one who makes us fruitful and blessed. He alone is the one who fills us with peace. Bible records many men of honour, who were not only known for their trust and faith in God, but also for favour of wealth and prosperity bestowed upon them by God.
For instance, Abraham. One of the Old Testament patriarchs, who was considered amongst the righteous ones, was also inevitably a very wealthy man in livestock, silver and gold. Genesis 24:35 records Abraham’s servant say about him.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “Scriptural Motivational Writer, who explain’s life’s, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions, She offers through her writing, to all the problems they face on a daily basis.)
“The Lord has greatly blessed my master , that he is rich in flocks and herds, silver and gold and servants and maids and camels and donkeys.”
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a scriptural Motivational Writer, Scriptural Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Preacher and an Evangelist.)
Interestingly, there’s a biblical promise that affirms God’s promises and covenant to His people who trust in Him. It goes on like this:-
“I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, make your name great, and so you shall be a blessing, and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 12:2-3)
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
1 Chronicles 4:9-10 records a man named Jabez. He was honourable above his brothers, because he trusted in God. He cried out to God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my borders, and that Your hand might be with me, and You would keep me from evil, that it would not hurt me.” BIBLE RECORDS, GOD GRANTED HIS REQUEST”
We all have heard about King Solomon and His wisdom. The interesting story about King Solomon goes like this:-
1 Kings 3:5 records, once Solomon became King, ‘THE ETERNAL” appeared in his dream, and offered to give him ANYTHING. But Solomon asked for an ‘understanding heart’ that he could fulfil his responsibilities as king over all of Israel. God’s response to his sincere request was simply wonderful.
1 Kings 3:12-13 records, God saying “I will do what you have asked. I will give you more wisdom and understanding than anyone has ever had before or will ever have again. I will also give you what you have ‘not’ asked for. All your life you will have wealth and honour, more than any other king.”
So basically, God not only promised to make king David’s son, the wisest man EVER, but also to make him RICH.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is an enlightened writer and composer, who writes love saga of her Lord Jesus and herself.)
So my precious brothers and sisters, God is able to do much more and exceedingly, than you can fathom, but He will require your sincere and trusting heart, that simply looks up to HIM ALONE with a childlike faith. You cannot give Him anything, because everything you have is given by Him only. But all that He requires from you, is your faith, trust and sincerity towards Him and also a praise of thanksgiving for all His day to day goodness towards you. Isn’t that an awesome bargain?
Go ahead, and trust Him with all you have, all you are. Give it all to HIM.
“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth”(Psalm 100:1)
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