We all celebrated mother’s day when we celebrate our mothers, Worldwide…
On 11th May, we all celebrated mother’s day, when we celebrate our mothers, Worldwide.
It would have been very easy for me to share on a father, since I am so much in love with my heavenly dad, Jesus is His name, but for sharing on a mother, I really had to really think.
Generally we all like to hear good and emotional things about our mothers,they are supposed to be our angels on earth but what we forget sometimes, is that we are mere humans, and can fail at times as human beings and also as mothers.
I am a bit unconventional and practical thinker probably my circumstances made me that.I really don’t believe that any woman who biologically gives birth to a child, gets the right to be called a mother. That way any woman gets that right, from nature, to give birth from the age of 18 in that case, all the illegitimate children born out of wedlock, also would have mothers. Many infants are found in dustbins some mother gave birth to them and left them destitute. Look into the newspapers, and you find so many crimes done by women, all over the world even they are mothers. But can we really celebrate them as a mother? Simple answer is No.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “Scriptural Motivational Writer, who explain’s life’s, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions, She offers through her writing, to all the problems they face on a daily basis.)
A woman gets the honor of being called a mother when she is spiritually nourishing a child since the time he/she is born. Not only she nurtures her child”s physical needs, but also guides her child to be a spiritually strong person. A mother is to start guiding her child, to get “skilful and Godly wisdom”, from the child’s birth, Proverbs 4:5 says that. And I personally think, any woman, who is able to save atleast one person spiritually, is fit to be called a mother.
We all have read the story of Esther, one of my personal favourites. She wasn’t really biologically a mother to any Jew as such but she didn’t care for her own life when it came to saving the lives of the entire jews as a race.she behaved like a mother to all of them thats what any mother would do to save her child wouldn’t she?
We women have too many responsibilities on our shoulders…not only of our homes, husbands and kids, but to ensure that they are all happy and looked after well. As moms, we are supposed to be the mentors to our kids, who teaches them the language of love by serving them when they are too small, and connecting them to the world gradually, as they grow up. The first teachings that we imbibe in our kids, when they are are growing up, they will never forget those lessons, for whole of their lives. We are not to spare our rods, when it comes to disciplining them. It becomes all the more essential for us to inculcate best of teachings in them, cause ultimately that will shape them as a person.
So, today we would look into the life of a mother, who was biologically a mother, but probably went weak in nurturing her children spiritually, and we will take examples from her life to become better mothers and spiritually strong entities.
Lets turn to the book of Genesis 25:24, Our character of discussion would be Rebekah,Isaac’s wife, who gave birth to twins, Esau and Jacob.
Esau was a cunning and skilled hunter and Jacob, the younger one was a plain and quiet man, dwelling in tents. Ch 25:28 says that Rebekah loved the younger one…he was a shrewd and scheming guy. One day, when Jacob was cooking some lentil stew, Esau came from hunting, and when he asked for some of the pottage from his younger brother Jacob, in lieu of food, Jacob bought Esau’s birthright from him. Now here we see, Rebekah having two sons out of the two, the younger one she favoured. The very fact, that one brother is buying birthright, and the other is selling it for some food throws light on poor upbringing. It shows lack of spiritual nourishment.
Mother is the first Alma Mater of any child. If they do not teach the right things to their kids at the right time, it may cost a lot to these children, when they grow up as young men and women.
Most of the confusions in today’s world is also due to poor spiritual education, poor morals and ethics by mothers for personal gains.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a scriptural motivational Lecturer, who guides people on life’s basic principles.)
In Ch 27:6, Rebekah overhears Isaac and Esau’s conversation, and guides her younger son Jacob, ways and means how to deceive her own husband, just because she favoured Jacob. She helps him in every possible way, to take the blessings of a firstborn from Isaac, who barely could see because of his old age, and eventually succeeded in taking away the blessings of a firstborn, with the help of his mother.
(Being a Sangeet Ratna, Shash Grewal(Shashwati) composes fusions and enlightened music, in praise and worship.)
I would encourage all of you to please go through this interesting story and come to know how confusions were created between both the brothers and how Jacob was deceived by his uncle Laban and eventually he was called a deceiver and the cycle went on and on.
Do we want to be that? I am sure none of us want our kids to live a life of unrest and deceit. We will feel sorry when they grow up and go astray, if we do not correct them at the right time.it is our duty as a mother, to lead them into a life of blessing. Once they grow up and are honoured by everyone, they will respect us even more. but if they land up in trouble because of the wrong teachings they grew up with, they will keep cursing their mothers for the rest of their lives.
So my dear sisters, I request all of you, to be thankful to God for your children He blessed you with, and nurture them with spiritual wisdom.
Isaiah 11:2 says that God’s spirit is the spirit of wisdom and Spirit of Understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might. If you teach your kids the reverential fear of God, he or she will grow up as a sound person with sound judgement of right from wrong, because God’s Spirit will keep leading your child in understanding the truth.
God bless you all
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