Our God is such a loving God, that probably all the books of the entire world, would never be enough, to write about his goodness. He is Good all the time. When I personally sit in “His Presence” in my daily life, I often get overwhelmed, when I think, that He is a God of details, and that he cares about my minutest of needs. He is so wonderful, that since the beginning, He has been busy creating something or the other, for the benefit of entire mankind. He knew we would need the sun, the moon, (Genesis Chp-1) the vegetation and animals, so the list goes on, for their respective jobs, assigned to them by God personally, that we would benefit from them.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
The irony is, that we being mere mortals with limited minds, take all His goodness for granted. I wonder, If He had not gifted us with all these blessings, what would’ve happened to us?
I believe, His biggest gift to mankind is the gift of the Holy Spirit. “Some of us are aware of “Him”, but vast majority of people are unaware of “Him”. Probably they are not even interested in knowing the “One”, the amazing work God has done for them. “Holy Spirit”. Who is He?
One way Bible refers to Him is our “Helper”. He is in us and with us all the time to help us, to enable us to do things that we cannot do on our own strength. John 14:17 calls the Holy Spirit the “Spirit of Truth”. He is the one who leads us into heightened awareness of truth, convicts us when we are wrong, humbles us in His Presence, leads us into freedom, where there’s no bondage of fear. He is a promise keeper, who keeps the wonderful promise He made to each believer that He will always be with them. Always.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
I often wonder how much we have been able to keep our promises we made to Him, when we got saved?
When we come to the knowledge of Christ. We promise to keep Him first, especially when we get overwhelmed thinking about His sacrifice on “Cross”.
(Being a Sangeet Ratna, Shash Grewal(Shashwati) composes fusions and enlightened music, in praise and worship.)
But over a period of time we get lukewarm, entangled in our daily chores, we forget our goal. We concentrate on our problems, and challenges life brings in our lives and completely underestimate, the powers God gave us as His children. We forget that He empowered us to deal with our challenges, under His leadership.
Probably the human minds can’t trust enough, on the “Unseen God” and forgets to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
It is understandable.
But that exactly is the time, we need to go deeper and operate in the Holy Spirit. I personally experience this beautiful relationship in every day walk of my life. Many a times it happened, that my heart was so burdened, that I could not even speak, when I sat in “His Presence.” But He just knew my heart. Eventually He took care of every issue that ever bothered me. He spoke to me, comforted me and today is my best friend. Somehow I can’t think beyond Him. I have put Him on the pedestal of my loving dad, and He comes across to me exactly as that. He is the greatest gift that ever happened to me and can happen, to anyone who believes.
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