I was wondering, what could have been the real reason, that Bible consistently, outsells any other book? Surprisingly, the oldest manuscripts, dates back to almost 4000 years and yet in present, modern day technologically advanced civilisation, it is still the largest selling book. What intrigued me more, was the original manuscripts were written primarily in three languages, Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. The translations were done by some dedicated people, who cared enough for each one of us, that we may know the “word of God”.
Well,I came across to a very simple conclusion for the popularity of the Holy Bible.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “scriptural motivational writer, who explain Life, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions She offers, through her writings to the problems, they face on a daily basis.)
An interesting feature of this book is this. It is one of the most practical tool you can use in your daily life. But more than that, what surprises me is, the book never attempted to hide the “human flaws”‘ of the great leaders and kings we read in history whole our lives. It never tried to reveal their strengths and virtues alone, but revealed their human challenges, weaknesses of their flesh and temptations they faced in their journey of life as well and I concluded that probably thats what makes the book so popular, since as humans, every single soul can identify himself or herself with some of the greatest characters of olden days.
For instance, if we take the case of king David. He was ‘A man after God’s own heart”. God delighted in him, but he fell ‘victim’ of being at a wrong place, at wrong time and some idle moments that changed the course of his life, and eventually, his destiny.
(Being a Sangeet Ratna, Shash Grewal(Shashwati) composes fusions and enlightened music, in praise and workship.)
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
His temptations began as a small thought(generally every wrong act, starts as an idea in the mind, the weakest place where enemy ‘satan’ attacks first), evetually resulting in his ending up sinning with Bathsheeba, and getting her husband murdered. Which probably wouldnt have happened, if he was spiritually not “Off-guard”, and careful enough to spend his idle moments in some productive work, rather than ‘watching’ something that he was not supposed to watch in the first place.
So ultimately ‘choices’ lies with us.
I encourage you all to go through the book, and help yourselves in making always the “right choices’ at ‘right time”.
Be blessed.
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