From the beginning, we have been seeing, the importance of blood in the scriptures. If we go to the book of Genesis, we have seen how every time a sacrifice was made for atonement, every time anyone sinned, wanted to please God by his sacrifices.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)

Lord said to them, “when I see the blood, I will Passover you”. (Exodus 12:13). In order to be protected from the angel of death, God had to see the blood. What kind of blood are we talking about here? Where do we get it from?
We should look into the scriptures:-
The first ever sacrifice, that was made to please God, could be traced in the book of Genesis, ch-4:4, when Abel brought the firstborn of his flock and offered it to God as sacrifice. We read that it pleased God, and God had regard and respect for that offering. Blood is the life of the body, when blood is drained, a life is sacrificed. But here we see Abel keeping the command of God by offering the firstborn of his fruits and it pleases God to see that His command is obeyed.
There was another reason, blood was to be shed during the Old Testament days. And that was, whenever someone sinned, an atonement of sacrifice was to be made by sacrificing a life and shedding the blood, But probably, after making such a covenant with humans, God felt sorry for the wickedness and hardness of human hearts, because humans were shedding the blood of innocent lives because every time anyone would sin, how easily they sacrificed innocent animals.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)

It grieved God’s heart.
Jesus was a permanent atonement. He came to make the wicked hearts, turn to God, convict their hearts to see the wickedness of their own hearts and believe in “His” shed blood for atonement. He kept His “Father’s will” and sacrificed Himself as the atonement for the entire mankind.
(Being a Sangeet Ratna, Shash Grewal(Shashwati) composes fusions and enlightened music, in praise and worship.)
We are the New Covenant race.far better in many ways than the Old Covenant days. We don’t need to slaughter animals to atone for our sins, neither we have to keep worrying about any angel of deaths passing over.If we believe in the name of Jesus, we are already covered by His blood, that He shed for us on the Cross of Calvary for us.It is done. Death died on the Cross…sins nailed on the Cross,satan defeated on the Cross.we are victors. Just by our faith.
What an amazing Grace.
We have to practically apply His shed blood ‘’By Faith” over ourselves and everything that belongs to us, that includes our emotions, our loved ones, our belongings and our relationships. His blood cleanses us from every impurities and every unholiness, if just we would believe.
Let us resolve to live a life of victory and joy for the work that was done on the Cross of Calvary 2015 years ago. The amazing love shown to us by the forgiveness that we received from His Grace.
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