Value of relationships
Our present decade has seen various categories of relationships. Starting from conventional relationships of parents, children, siblings and spouses, today’s relationships are more relationships of convenience to relationships of compromises and then of business expansion targeted relationships. When God had initially laid the foundations of earth, it was only with one vision, “relationships based on love and contentment”.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “Scriptural Motivational Writer, who explain’s life’s, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions, She offers through her writing, to all the problems they face on a daily basis.)
When God created first man on earth “Adam”, seeing his loneliness, Compassionate God creates “Eve”, a partner. There’s no scripture exactly, that describes the marriage between Adam and Eve taking place, But since God created both of them and united, it was a very valid marriage (Genesis 2:24), says that when a man and a woman are married, “they shall become one flesh”. Basic concept of marriage is a priest marrying two people in the presence of “Holy Spirit”, in the name of “The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit”. In the case of Adam and Eve, the High Priest was “God Himself”.
But of course, over a period of time, decades on, marriages have become more and more of traditions, rituals and rules and we are so used to attending big fat weddings, which absolutely makes no sense, (wastage of money, time, energy and competition of who has got more money) basically pompous weddings.
Dealing with various kinds of people on a daily basis, I find most of the marriages are of convenience. They are together, not because of love for each other, but either because of social security factor or financial needs or duties towards children.
In the midst of all this, I wonder, Shouldn’t the reason for being with one person in your life, be “love”??
But of course, we cannot judge, since we are not living their lives. Everyone’s situations and journeys are different, so we cannot have a copy and paste solution for all.
Only one thing that comes to my attention these days primarily, when I look into their lives is, couples get stumped when trying to work their marriages and relationships, because men and women are so different. On trivial issues they disagree, fight and bring bitterness into their relationships. They try to change each other, that brings more resentment. They forget to esteem their partners as worthy and precious. They tend to overlook the fact that, God put that person in their lives to build each other up, not to be insolent towards each other, neither to magnify their small frailties!!! They confuse their weaknesses as their differences. And hence we see marriages breaking too fast. As parents when they are confused and fight, their children observe things from very close, grow up with resentment and bitterness towards relationships and as grown up adults carry forward those mistakes their parents did, to their own lives, and the mess continues…..
The book of “Song of Solomon”, is a beautiful book of romance, but hidden with deep messages of wisdom, on relationships. Specifically chapter 2:15(Song of Solomon), is wonderful piece of advice. Let me quote for you.
“Take for us the foxes, the ‘little foxes’ that spoil the vineyards [of our love], for our vineyards are in the blossom.” What it actually means, is that people’s lives are often not destroyed for ‘big issues’, but by a ‘series of insignificant choices and compromises they make on a daily basis. They do not make an effort to notice the ‘small cunning foxes’, (wrong choices) that creep in their lives stealthily, and change them and their perspectives that lead them into big blunders, and eventually destroy their lives.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
So my request to all of you is, please honour your relationships, do everything possible to not give up. Your relationship is basically a process, where each one is learning and growing, but the beauty is you are growing up together, and I think it’s really beautiful. Those funny moments that you shared, those painful moments you endured together, those blissful moments you shared happiness together and been joyful. Honour those moments, honour your God for making it all possible for you and bless Him with every breadth….
“King of kings, God of heaven,
Living in me, gentle Saviour, closest friend
Strong deliverer, beginning and end
All within me, falls at your throne…!”
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