Joel 2:23:- instructs us to rejoice. Joy is one of the most powerful blessings, that we receive from the Throne of God….so freely…so abundantly…the Bible tells us to be ‘glad hearted continually’ (1 Thessalonians 5:16). Joy is a great source of strength for any human being, because everything in our lives are ultimately related to how happy we are from within, if we don’t have joy in our lives, we will be restless, and we would loose our strength, we are vulnerable to the devil, which of course in return open doors to so many areas of our lives of exploitation.
But true joy from within, can only come from God the amazing work that He begins in our life gradually, immediately when we come to the saving knowledge of Christ as our personal Saviour He picks up our lives from the pit of hell, from miry clay He remakes us with all our sins and heavy laden hearts He fills us like never before. He renews, refines, reconstructs, redeems, restores and resurrects us. Amazing is His Grace!!!!
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
We are not worth it. We all know that, no matter how hard we try, we would never be perfect and worthy in His sight, since we are always going to be humans, made of flesh and blood, full of flaws neither do we deserve His unconditional love, yet He fills us with His love.
Anyone who is saved and heard the good news of the Gospel. I’m sure would agree with me that before we all got saved, we never knew what is “peace”. Coming from different backgrounds and different issues of life, we all know what we were and where we come from” unrest and lack of love” were the primary things that we all suffered from until he held our hands.
When we loose something precious in our life, we become so bitter, unless we have the promise of restoration of that very same thing.
But just go back in your pasts and look back when you didn’t have peace of mind, and there was no hope that you would ever get it back, how did you behave? No matter what situations you were facing and going through, did you have any hope that you can ever be filled with the peace that you experience today so many years down the lane? Did you deserve what Jesus gave you? Did you do something extraordinary to be eligible to experience that GRACE?

I’m sure you would say No. Even my answer is the same my brothers and sisters. I did not deserve what He gave me but I am thrilled to bits that Jesus loves me. He not only gave me back what I had lost but, gave me double portion of blessings for all my troubles”. Isaiah 61:6,7 says that for our former shame He will give us a twofold recompense. God promises that, instead of suffering with dishonor and reproach we will rejoice! But I do understand that for any common man who has not experienced “JESUS”, its not possible to understand what we experience everyday in His has to go through the experience of love of Christ to be able to understand what we experience.
(Being a Sangeet Ratna, Shash Grewal(Shashwati) composes fusions and enlightened music, in praise and worship.)
So I request you all my brothers and sisters in Lord….go in the world and touch lives with the love of Christ…..don’t give them heavy theological languages and don’t give them religion Christianity…..
What they would understand is “your love”for them your actions should be much louder to tell them who you are in Christ by your actions you would be able to show them who Christ is, and what was the message He gave.
Don’t be judgemental towards anyone no matter what anyone is in their personal lives, because remember, when you raise one finger towards anyone three fingers are pointing towards you and as it is we are no one to judge probably what is the weak area for the other person is your strong area, but maybe his or her strong area might be your weak area.
So let’s just love everyone, always remember you have a bright future since your God says you do forget what lies behind, just press on to the new things, your God is there to restore.
God bless you
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