A believer’s life is not a very easy life to live. Every moment we are tested for our faith and every moment we find ourselves looking up to the “CROSS”, enquiring for answers on how to deal in situations when we are faced with challenges. As the Psalm says we have to guard our tongues every moment because the eyes of the Lord are towards the righteous and His ears are open to their cry !!Keeping our mouths guarded is not that easy in today’s world. Humanly, it is really not possible to keep a check on our every word, that we say. Only with His Grace, especially when He gives us wisdom, and fills us with His spirit, we would always be alert, to keep our mouths guarded, and consciously choose our words whenever we have to speak.
When these commands were actually written down in the scriptures, world was not so filled with humans, and neither were there so many diverse human issues in this world, the way we see in today’s generations.
But I am amazed how every Proverb and every single Psalm, written so many centuries ago, fits so accurately for each of us modern day believers.
When we cry out to our God in agony, Psalms of David just seems so right, doesn’t it?
When we as parents try guiding our children, who are much ahead of us, in being an important part of the modern day society, every proverb makes sense, amazing. It was as if during creation only, God knew how the coming generations would be and how every scriptural references will make sense to each one of us.
Today’s date, most of the confusions of this world, are because of lack of control in our tongues, lies, deceit, gossiping. They are all various forms of uncontrolled tongues that lands people in various kinds of troubles. If and only if we would ponder over this verse and practically apply it in our daily life. I believe so many problems would just not be there anymore.
To be able to guard our tongues and also for our own spiritual maturity, the first and foremost thing that we require to do is spend time in “HIS” presence. Simply rest in Him. Psalm 91:1 encourages us, “ He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of The Almighty (Whose power no foe can withstand).
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
We need to realize, that God is our refuge, and our Mighty tower and fortress. We need to rely on Him completely, for guidance Pray to Him, to give us wisdom every moment and help us guard our tongues, that we may not fall prey to devil’s temptations, and also pray, that we may not give in to our own carnal desires to fulfill our egos, and end up sinning in the sight of God, by loose talks or by other kind of bad behaviors and attitudes.
In my own personal life, whenever I have to face people, either for preaching, witnessing or for counseling, I know that without the leadership of THE HOLY SPIRIT, I would fail in doing my job assigned to me, by my Lord. When I spend enough time on my knees, I’m well equipped to face everyone and also able help those people, who come with so many queries and doubts. And since I have already had “my time” refreshing myself at the feet of my Lord, I’m able to follow the lead of the HOLY SPIRIT and can trust Him to use my mouth to help the ones coming to me for counseling.I simply have to rest in Him and trust Him.
I encourage you all my dear brothers and sisters, whoever who is reading me right now, please do your own homework of spending enough time in His presence. In His light all your doubts will disappear, as it happens with me everyday. You would be able to handle every single day and its challenges, much more maturely, only if you would spend enough time in the entire day with Him, to understand His words in truth. Keep your heart and mind and ears open when He speaks to you, that you may know what He desires of you that there may be no doubts left in your minds, in doing exactly what He expects of you. your whole day would be taken care of by Him.
God bless you all.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “Scriptural Motivational Writer, who explain’s life’s, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions, She offers through her writing, to all the problems they face on a daily basis.)
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