“I declare God that you are glorious in your Holiness, you are awesome in your splendor, and you are wonder working God. in your mercy and loving kindness. Lead us and guide us to understand your words better – Amen”!
Today I get inspired to share a bit with you on mindsets.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is an enlightened writer and composer, who writes love saga of her Lord Jesus and herself.)
It’s the most interesting and most practical device you can ever find to apply in your day to day life.
Bible talks about various kinds of mindsets. From the beginning if we see, we find Adam and Eve, the disobedient mindsets, living in all sorts of comforts in heaven, but because of their disobedience, get thrown out of heaven into all kinds of pains and hardships of life in the world. Then comes Cain and Abel, Cain a bitter mind and Abel a positive and happy mind that does his best to please God. Eventually if you Remember, Cain’s bitterness led him to murder Abel and bring curse upon his life and run away from the presence of God.
But today they are not our topic. We would look into the life of Joseph. How many are aware of the life of Joseph?
Open the book of Genesis 37:5-7
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “Scriptural Motivational Speaker”.)
God gave Joseph a beautiful dream. He showed him specifically, that he is destined to be a person of power and authority. But this young guy, in his enthusiasm ended up sharing it unwisely with his brother. It happens with us also, sometimes we just want to blurt out our dreams and visions unwisely with people, who can’t handle it, and we limit our blessings from coming to fulfillment. Right?
Eventually Joseph was sold off to Egyptians as a slave. Now here, Joseph faced situations, that looked nothing similar to his dreams, rather they were far away from even a decent life and surely nothing to do with power. He had the choice, he could’ve conveniently forgotten that it was his own folly of sharing his dreams with his brothers that landed him up in trouble for the rest of his life. Since he wasn’t aware what God would do in his life in the coming years, and be bitter and curse God for his situation or be trusting completely upon the one who gave him his dreams.
He chose to seek God and have a positive attitude.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) believes in being spiritual, rather than following man-made religious traditions.)
Genesis: chapter 39 talks about how this lad was blessed, and how God’s hands were upon him in everything he would do. He was prosperous and blessed in all the works he would do.
God never left him never forsook him.
Genesis: chapter 39:7 talks about Potiphar’s wife and her evil intentions towards Joseph. In that kind of a situation, being a young guy, he could’ve fallen into temptations, but we see how he ran away from her presence. He could not sin in the eyes of His God but for no fault of his, was put behind bars.

Do we all remember the dreams God gave him in the beginning. So this women actually was just a pawn in God’s hands, to bring Joseph to his greater call. God uses our weaknesses to make it our strengths. He is capable of turning every curse into big blessings in our lives.
Again this boy faced with so much hardships, humiliations and punishments, could’ve had bitter and negative mindset.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)
In our daily life, often faced with life’s challenges, we get discouraged, depressed. Its quite natural. Happens with me also, but we have to make a choice. we would live with negativity or we would maintain a positive attitude and depend on God’s strength alone? He says His plans are for good and not for harm. we have to trust Him Jeremiah 29:11
Behind bars, Joseph was productive, worshipping always, and trying to help people.
Everyone saw that everything he did was blessed he made his decision.
Genesis: chapter 41:1 Pharaoh’s dream and his subject’s inability to decipher his dreams made Pharaoh restless. It wasn’t possible to interpret those dreams without God’s intervention, since they were from God and also God never forgot Joseph. So this was just a reason for Joseph’s final call.
Led by the Holy Spirit, Joseph was called to interpret those dreams and he could discern those dreams. And we all know what happens next. He was made Governor of entire Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.
Joseph was a fruitful man in spite of all his afflictions. He was only 30 when he stood before the Pharaoh.
All this could happen because he had a positive and transformed mindset, under the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit.
I encourage all of you today to always put God first, no matter what your situations are, small or big, let Him work. In this world you will face various kinds of mindsets in everyday, walk of life. Some are jealous, bitter, selfish, insensitive and hurting.
What we have to remember is, we have to show the world who we are in Christ. We are representatives of Christ. We are transformed by the work done on the cross, by His shed blood… and also we are transformed in our everyday walk of life by the work of the Holy Spirit. Don’t take it as a religion. But as a relationship of you and your Creator.
So take your positions, authority given to each one of you as the princes of the King of Kings and take the world in your stride.
God bless

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