Be Still and Know That I am God
“He who dwells in the secret place of the most High, shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty (whose power no foe can withstand). I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust!!!!”(Psalm 91:1-2).
There are times when we need lots of space. Sometimes we go through such emotions, that becomes very difficult to share with anyone for the fear that we might not be able to explain, or maybe because no one will understand what we feel inside or probably we don’t want to share with anyone, simply, because we don’t want to embarrass ourselves.
Can you relate to that? I am sure you all know what I mean because we all go through it sometime or the other. Personally, I have gone through it, quite a few times.

I Can explain this a bit through my own personal life.
The kind of lifestyle I live, it gives me lot of opportunity to meet various kinds of people from various facets of life starting from bureaucrats and corporates amongst a few. I get the opportunity to understand them and their lifestyles from close. Everyone is different and unique, have to be, since our God created everyone so different and unique, but at the same time, no matter which level we belong to, in the society, our needs and our emotions are same. At the end of the day, we are all humans and we need our basic humanly needs, met.
But what I notice is that while growing up in different backgrounds, we all pick up different mindsets, which leads us to different priorities in our lives. Our upbringings and surroundings ultimately define us. Since our priorities change with time, our problems and situations also are of different natures, and of course finding a solution to our problems and everyday challenges become so varied, that we feel like depending upon our trusted friends and relatives to find solutions for us. People at the top of hierarchy often find themselves quite lonely, and cannot share their problems with anyone. We live in a strange world, where in people are unhappy to li see us happy. If we are sad, people consoling us on our faces, in fact feel happy to see us in miserable situations and dwell on reasons for our situations.
Where do we go then? Who will listen to us? Is there anyone, who will guide us and lead us?
The answer came to me almost 14 years back, when a friend of mine introduced me to Jesus and eventually to “practical prayers”.
That was a time, I was going through emotional upheavals and surges of emotions welling up from within, when all I could think of and see, was hopelessness and infinite unrest.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a scriptural Motivational Writer, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Preacher and an Evangelist.)

That particular time, I had a wonderful and understanding friend named Adele. She was so quiet and simple, that I could really trust her. She wasn’t really interested in knowing what was bothering me. All she was interested in was getting me some peace. She invited me to this church in Chembur(Mumbai).
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a “Scriptural Motivational Writer, who explain’s life’s, common principles, in a very lucid manner so that the younger generation can relate to the solutions, She offers through her writing, to all the problems they face on a daily basis.)
Lot of people were praying there worship music was going on,it was such a huge gathering, but no one seemed interested in anything else,but the ONE they were worshipping.
And I?.cannot express in words what I felt.
Personally I am a very strong person, not much into displaying my emotions in public ever. And here, I was crying hysterically, didn’t know exactly why? I Didn’t know why I didn’t bother hundreds of people surrounding me there, all I remembered was this, I was one with “HIS SPIRIT”. I have reached where I had to be, that I always belonged there and I was releasing these burdens I had been carrying all along for so many years. I couldn’t explain to myself what I was going through, this indescribable feeling of release of emotions that I never knew.
That day I knew, that I belonged to “JESUS”. No religion, no clan, no denominations, no caste. Just Jesus and all that mattered to me was Him. He is my dad, and I am His humble girl, waiting to be healed of all my emotional scars and burdens.
He touched me that day with His healing touch and His divine love and I knew I was His from that day on.
Every person walking on earth go through these emotions, every person’s problems and situations are different. Every human does not know that there is hope, there is joy and there is someone ever ready to receive them and heal them of their pains. This is the time you should go to the secret place of the most High and be safe and remain stable under His refuge.
Are you wondering what you should do?
Well not much when you go through these surge of emotions, just go to a quiet place, where you can unite with your creator, and just “be still and know that He is God” and Believe that he is always in control, He will never allow you to go through more than what you can bear. He will do the rest, just open your hearts to Him, tune your ears to hear Him and follow His lead.
Its that simple cry if you feel like crying, sing if you feel like it, worship Him in truth and unite with His spirit.
I pray that may my Lord begins His amazing work of healing your hearts and lives from right now on.
“God let your beauty and favour be upon me, confirm and establish the works of my hands”(Psalm90:17).
God bless you all.
(Shash Grewal(Shashwati) is a philanthropist and a social worker, who tries to reach out to hurting hearts with scriptural blessings and kindness.)

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