A Bengali Brahmin by birth…..comes from a very illustrious family of ministers, writers and scientists…
Sash has given many live performances all over in Delhi’s reputed halls like FICCI, Gandhi Memorial Hall and many other reputed ones……
Came to the knowledge and awareness of God’s love in the year 1998…..a new journey of life began…sharing the good news of the Gospel……
She came to know that God’s unconditional love was so freely available to mankind…..but mankind was not interested in knowing so much of compassion and kindness and love of God so freely available.
So she started on this new path…..to share God’s love…through her songs….which are not religious at all ….but enlightened ones…….she writes her own songs…..and she writes about the saga of lovestory of God and His creations……..mankind.
Her message to mankind is:_
God who created the earth, the heaven and the Universe…..is the radiant light and who induces our knowledge….
Has to be praised……let us meditate upon Him”…..
So she discovered …..cleansing was all about the heart…..not only of the body……she didn’t look back…….
“Kanyashulkyanamah(Born to virgin)
Brahmaputra(Son of God)
Prajapati Yagnam(Jesus died for our sins)
Mruthyunjaya(Jesus rose from death)”
She wanted to gain true knowledge…
God took compassion on her ….and brought her to the knowledge……His light…..the truth…..that was” Him alone……the great I AM”……
She came to know that God was ready to forgive everyone of all their sins…….all the past mistakes , their hurts…..their burdens, God was ready to take off……only if they would repent…….
She couldn’t wait to tell everyone, about the freedom of heart, she received personally from “Jesus”,
the love that her “Lord showed her, through her everyday journey of life……she basks in the glory of her Lord everyday…..
She works for the upliftment of some orphan children, who feel they are unwanted and a mistake by God…….she wants to share the love of Christ with all of them…….that God has great plans for them…and they are not mistakes but blessings for the society…..
Sash wants to encourage all of you who is visiting her page right now….to come forward and be part of her ministry of helping these children…….all the money she receives as donations from the sales of her cds, she uses for these people who are not so priviledged like us….and are in desparate need of help…..
She believes small steps of faith with helping hands can achieve much……rather than complaining and blaming the entire system…..she doesn’t believe in waiting for a change……she believes in being the ‘change’……and encourages everyone to be the “change”.
She has written many articles for various newspapers to motivate people from breaking free from religious outlooks and rather be the enlightened ones and be spiritual rather than be religious.
Some of her articles are on the blog page
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